Saturday, January 9, 2021

Project 365 - Day 9

They are Falling Out of the Trees

Ever since South Florida became a breeding ground for iguanas, who by the way are not native and are invasive and eat along our pretty flowers and vegetation, we have to be on the lookout for these cold-blooded creatures when the temperature falls.  The headlines in the newspapers will tell you to watch for falling iguanas!!

Hilarious, yes but also a bit sad.  I love animals and never want to see any of them get hurt. I know these strange looking beasts don’t belong here but they are so much fun to watch and take photos of. 

As I was leaving work, I saw this one iguana poking his head out of the drainage grate. I knew he probably couldn’t move more than he did because the temperature is about 60 degrees and that is way too cool for their blood.  

But, on the other hand, I did enjoy taking this fellow’s photo. I pretended he was posing for me. 

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