Monday, May 13, 2024

Project 365 - May 13, 2024

 A Little Extra Weekend for Me

Since we have a concert tonight in our Cultural Arts Center (Rogers Richie and Robinson — a tribute band of the the music of Kenny Rogers, Lionel Richie and Smokey Robinson) I get to go in to the office at noon. So a little extra weekend for me to enjoy. 

The weather cooperated so I did my mile and a half walk.  But the vibe is very different on a Monday morning. The sound level of everything is a little higher. The neighborhood kids are walking to the bus stop. The neighbors are jumping into their cars and zipping off to work. I had to jump out of the way a couple of times because people are in a big hurry to get to wherever they are heading. 

But they still took a moment to wave. 

It makes me smile when that happens it’s so simple a move. But so meaningful a gesture. 

I did see a few things to make images of and the one that make me giggle was the one tree with four squirrels chasing each other. I only caught three of the four in my image. It’s not the best image but you can feel the movement

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Project 365 - May 12, 2024

 And the Summer Begins …

As I walked out my front door at 6:30 am, the stillness in the air and the smell of smoke struck me like I had walked into a wall. This is a reminder that our South Florida summers are long, hot, and always difficult to navigate. 

We have to prepare for these long, humid, and uncomfortable days. Select the correct clothing so that the material can breathe and allow the sticky film of sweat to evaporate. Keep an extra pair of shoes or flip-flops in the car so that when the torrential rains begin every afternoon when the clouds build over the Everglades and drift east with angry lightning and swirling winds. Store extra umbrellas in the car and in the office so that the one that just broke due to a wind gust, can quickly be replaced. Keep a folded raincoat handy for, well for keep dry in the daily, and mostly brief, rainstorms. 

But, along with the longer days, and higher temperatures that the weatherpeople just love to exaggerate and compare record highs, come exhilaratingly beautiful landscapes, sunrises and sunsets, plants for closeup photography, and smells unlike any other in different climates. There is something about a sub-tropical atmosphere that is scientific and predictable but elusive and charming. 

I do love the winters here. But after 45 summers, I have learned to adapt to this climate and embrace it. Remind me this when the humidity is 95 percent and the temperature is also around 95 and the “feels like” temperature is well over 100!!!

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Project 365 - May 13, 2023

 Early Morning at Flamingo Gardens

Strike a Pose
I can't even remember the last time that I went on a photoshoot. But thanks to my former teacher and now friend, Jeremiah, I accompanied his current class to Flamingo Gardens this morning. 

It was a stunningly beautiful spring morning. Although the temperature was in the 80s by 10am, there was a breeze and the humidity was fairly low so it was very comfortable walking around.

It was great to be challenged. My camera didn't want to work at first and I struggled with the settings because in manual mode, something was wrong and I couldn't get the light meter to work properly.  However, after a brief struggle and toggling between manual and program modes, I finally got the camera to comply. I do think that I am on borrowed time with this camera. it is now about 14 years old and has done a great job for me until now.

I haven't touched my camera in so long, I have been using my iPhone for all of my photos and videos.  Nothing wrong with that, but there are some things that are difficult to control, like camera speed and depth of field. Although I know that Andy would argue with me about that!

These images I made are the best of the bunch with only a bit of minor Photoshop.

Air Dried

Hanging Around

I Have My Eyes on You



Royal Crest

Wild Weave


Sunday, November 27, 2022

Project 365 - November 27, 2022

Spiritual Day

Starting with my morning walk and this lovely sunrise with mist cascading through the grass of the old golf course set the tone for my day. A very spiritual one. 

Lists. Yes. I always have my lists. And today was no exception. 

My goal was to get all the Halloween decor up into the attic and take down the Christmas decor. I did accomplish that and more. 

Throughout the day, I had music playing in the entire house. Sometimes it was classic rock and Beatles and sometimes it was acoustic guitar with poignant lyrics that spoke to me. Later when I got the house all decorated, I moved to holiday tunes. and now as I prepare to go to sleep, I have very peaceful piano music playing. 

I feel quite accomplished and feel like I have turned the page and started a new chapter in my life. It is exciting, scary and very interesting. More to follow in the coming weeks. But for now, I am at peace, I am happy and I can’t wait for Thursday when I fly to Indianapolis to see my daughter and her baby bump!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Project 365 - October 30, 2022

It’s a Heron Sunrise 

Along our morning walk this heron made a beautifully smooth landing on the top of this tree. We waited until he turned his head just so that could see the profile with a touch of the sunrise peeking up over the golf course. 

There were two more herons just out of the picture. But this one provided a much better composition. 

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Project 365 - October 16, 2022

A Visit to Morikami Museum

Today was the continuation of my birthday celebration. What started out as a one-day event has now turned into a month-long event!  I don’t mind at all, especially since I turned 65 this year. 

I feel like it is time to celebrate every day that I wake up feeling good. There has been too much sadness in my life over the past two and a half years. Now is the time for me. 

After a perfectly lovely lunch with my really good friend, I was driving home and suddenly decided that it was time to stop at the Morikami. This would be the first time since I finished my grief, journal writing program at the museum. It really helped me and since it was a beautiful and a bit less humid day, why not?

These are my images. As I was entering the nature trail there was a wedding party coming off of the path. They looked so joyful and I congratulated them. 

I spent about an hour and a half walking the trails, staring into the water at the fish and turtles and then going onto a very lonely path where the solitude was glorious and the scents of nature completely overwhelmed me.  At the end of the walk I was so relaxed that I could have taken a nap. But instead, I turned on yoga music in the car and drove home silently reflecting on my day. 

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Project 365 - September 17, 2022

Random Inverrary Wildlife

I never know what I will see when I am in and around my home in Inverrary. Yesterday, as I was about to pull into my driveway, I saw this beautiful heron sitting in the ficus tree that was just next to Adina's car.

I stopped my car, and then opened my window and moved very slowly to get my camera open. As I snapped, the heron took off giving me a nice wingspan shot.  Although it isn't a great photo, I like the feel of the movement.

This morning, when I was sitting on the screened-in porch with my neighbor having breakfast, I was about to take a photo of the three iguanas on the rooftop but I looked down and the sun was shining on this spider and spiderweb.  I usually have a hard time focusing on tiny creatures with my iPhone, but this time it worked.

Then I took another shot at the iguanas on my neighbor's roof.  Just a nice quiet Saturday morning.  Followed by an afternoon of cloudy skies and rain. But that is typical Florida.  If you don't like the weather, just stick around for about 15 minutes!