Saturday, February 16, 2008

Project 365 - Photo of the Day - February 15, 2008

Since I worked late on Thursday night I wasn't due into work until noon. So I took a long walk around my complex and brought my camera along. It was an unbelievable day and the sky was perfectly clear and a gorgeous shade of blue. This dock looked so peaceful and the water was so still that it acted like a mirror.

There are just no words for this moment. The birds were chirping, there was absolutely no wind and the temperature was a very comfortable 68 degrees. What more could one ask for?

I just loved the way the tree was reflected in the water.

I can never resist taking close up shots of a lone flower among all the green!

And, this is me playing with the settings on my camera to get the motion frozen as I was walking back to the house . . . very fast may I add!

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