Sunday, December 12, 2021

Project 365 - December 12, 2021

 Peaceful Morning

During my walk on Friday morning, the mist was swirling around the base of this tree as the sun was rising. Such a calming and peaceful moment that I felt the need to capture this image.

As I continued my walk with Greg, we ran into Bob and Chuba (a beautiful Vizsla dog). I got the most enthusiastic greeting!  I haven’t seen them since last year, they are snowbirds, so its been quite a few months.  But this dog is so friendly and gentle and his fur is so soft, especially his ears.

I have always been an animal lover.  I am particularly vulnerable now because I had to put one of my cats to sleep two weeks ago. I am missing her like crazy, she slept with me every night. She was with us for 15 years. And, she was my last connection to Joel.  So, its been a rough couple of weeks.  

But, back to my peaceful morning . . . I love the walking, the fresh air, the sunrise, the conversation and the surprises along the walk. 

Monday, November 29, 2021

Project 365 - November 28, 2021

Chanukah Eve

The weather for the past few days has been absolutely perfect and once again reminds me of why I live in South Florida. 

Along my morning walk with Greg, I had to take a moment to stop and capture this sunrise along with the mist along the ground. 

The entire day was all about cleaning up and putting my house back together because I had a contractor painting my living room and dining room and he was finally finished. 

So by the time Adina come home from work, I had everything back in place, floors swept and mopped, latkes made — along with chicken soup and noodles, baked chicken and zucchini— and the menorah was ready to be lit. 

It was a great way to end the Thanksgiving weekend

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Project 365 - November 13, 2021

Green Market Season is Here

I can’t believe that we are once again in Green Market season!  Last year was so different because we were in the height of the pandemic, we were still working at home and I was still reeling from losing my partner of 40 years.

So much has happened since the last Green Market started.  We are now coming out of the COVID nightmare. Many of us have had our vaccinations.  I have even had my booster shot.  We are back at the office. Cultural events are taking place once again.  Travel is rebounding.  

And, I am feeling really good about my life.  I have taken so many steps toward health including going to every doctor’s appointment, rejoining a gym and actually going.  I continue to walk on the weekends with my friend.  I have reconnected with some friends that I haven’t seen in a long time.  I bought myself a season’s subscription to the Miami City Ballet. And I am working a little bit on photography.  

This morning the sunrise was spectacular as I arrived at the Cultural Center to start my day at the opening day of the Green Market. I loved the colors and the high thin clouds that reflected the sunrise.  Later in the day, the clear blue sky was beautiful, but truly, the sunrise was a special treat today.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Project 365 - November 7, 2021


Today I participated in a guided walk at Morikami.  Not only was our guide a yoga instructor, but she was also a major donor to the Museum and she also lost her husband recently. This was a bit of a different walk than I have taken before. 

We still stopped at all of the prescribed landmarks and discussed how connections played a part in each landmark and in our feelings about our pasts and our futures.  Our guide also had us do yoga breathing and showed us how to calm ourselves if we are in a stressful situation. She also read poetry to us and shared personal stories.

I was very interested in what she had to tell us.

The weather was spectacular with low humidity and crystal clear skies. I ended up staying longer than usual and sat on the steps overlooking the lake as I wrote in my journal. 

Then I walked back on the trail and took these images. And then this guy took my photo and sent it to me later!  It was a fun ending to my adventure. 

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Project 365 - October 1 (catching up)

Stroll for Health

As I continue on the path of health, I am enjoying the peace and serenity of this "Stroll for Health" program conducted by the Morikami Museum. Although it was a very warm day when I did this particular walk, I took my time, drank a lot of water, and sat down in the shade to write in my journal.  So, although I was out there for two hours, it was not strenuous.

I brought my camera with me and stopped whenever the mood hit.  At one point, the security guard asked me to move away from the iguana, but I did a great capture.  I didn't think it would attack and I used my zoom lens so I really wasn't that close. However, every time I walk at the Morikami, I seem to get in a bit of trouble.  Last time, I walked on the gravel that you are NOT supposed to walk on and the guard asked me to move.  

When I arrived at the Museum, it was just opening, and with my card, I was able to walk ahead of all the other patrons so that I was mostly alone along the path. I like being alone in nature.  

My next walk is a guided walk with one of the therapists.  So that will be a little different experience. I do look forward to that. Especially after a weekend of working. 

Friday, October 1, 2021

Project 365 - October 1, 2021

 Birthday Month

Today is the first day of October. This week, the humidity dropped enough to make me believe that fall is on the way — South Florida style. It is also five days away from my 64 birthday. So, of course I will be celebrating all month!  

I keep telling everyone that they have to sing the Beatle song, “When I’m 64” when they call me! I did that to Joel on his 64 birthday. By the end of the day he said, “STOP!”  But I didn’t listen.

Not only did I buy myself an early birthday present— an iPad — but I also enrolled in a grief program at the Morikami Museum where I will not only be journaling but also walking the trails and using my camera along the way   But that doesn’t start until tomorrow.

This week, I captured a sunrise on the way to work and a sunset on my way home from work. Then this morning I took a few snaps along my morning walk.  The sky had one moment where it looked to be on fire and a moment later … it was gone.  Just the luck of being in the right place at the right time.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Project 365 - September 26, 2021

 New Beginnings

I am feeling the wind shift.  I completed my yearlong therapy through Hospice. I completed all of my annual medical exams except one. I am on a journey to become stronger each week with my workout schedule at the gym and continue to walk on the weekends with Greg. 

But somehow a heavy load has lifted and I can now feel as though I am moving forward with my new normal. I am much more content. I don’t feel the need to continuously have a long list of chores to take care of. If I only get one thing done on my weekends . . . It is okay. 

I give myself permission to slow down and take my time. I enjoy cooking and baking and sharing the end product with my friends. 

And, I have been a little bit inspired to take photos again. It’s been a long struggle. But the urge to make images is returning. Perhaps it’s because the weather is cooling just a tiny bit.

These photos were taken over the past few days. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Project 365 - August 11, 2021


Every morning on my days off I walk with my friend, Greg. These walks are not only for the exercise, but also for my mental health. Just being outside helps me forget about the daily tasks that are necessary and let’s me connect with nature. 

I never know what I will find along these walks.  Looking back at my photos, I am surprised by the images. But with nature, sometimes you just have to look, and then look again. 

This image was take. From Greg’s screened in porch. That is where we end up after our walks and we eat out breakfast and talk until one of us decides that it is time to do a chore or two. 

There was this one lizard on the palm tree.  But then off in the distance, there was an iguana on an another neighbor’s roof. Greg actually noticed this before me!  That iguana is always on that particular roof soaking up the sun. Yes, invasive species.  But fun to photograph. 

Monday, August 9, 2021

Project 365 - August 9, 2021

Morning Glow

Along my morning drive to work, I was watching the sun paint the sky brilliant colors of pinks and oranges. I waited until I was in a safe spot and made this image. 

I love the way the light outlines the top of the car. I also love the way the clouds seem to be reaching high in the sky. 

Sometimes I wish I had more time for photography, but then other times when I do have the time, I find other things to fill my time. I don’t know why. But I guess I just need inspiration. 

Project 365 - August 8, 2021

Sunrise, Sunset

Lovely skies this past weekend. I caught a sunset and a sunrise worth posting. 

The sunset was on Saturday evening after I left Deerfield Beach. It was the first time that I had seen my cousin Michael since before the pandemic. We met in Deerfield Beach because it is exactly 30 minutes for each of us. 

Along the way home, I saw this magnificent sky but there was no way to stop and take make this image until I got off the turnpike. 

Then, Sunday morning before my morning walk with Greg, I caught the sunrise. Just lovely and used the panoramic feature to capture more of the sky. 

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Project 365 - August 7, 2021

Catching Up Again

I have been getting back into the swing of things. I have a more normal schedule at work. In person events are starting to pick up. But, COVID numbers have been growing at a scary rate. And although I have been fully vaccinated now for a few months, I started to wear a mask once again. 

Then, during a Zoom call on Wednesday, I received a call from Adina. I almost never hear from her during the day so I picked it up immediately. I am glad that I did. She informed me that she had been exposed to COVID on Saturday evening when she had her booth at FAT Village. 

Of course, since we live together, I could have been exposed as well. So I immediately packed up the contents of my desk and finished my Zoom call. I called my director who then called HR. 

Then I met Adina at a walk-in clinic and we got tested. It was fairly quick and painless and we stayed home until we received a call late Friday afternoon that we both tested negative. 

However, it completely changes your perspective about how vulnerable we really are. Even with the vaccination, we can still be infected and get sick, although not as sick, plus we can still transmit this virus. 

But, throughout the week I did manage to make a few images that I felt were worth posting. 

Friday, July 23, 2021

Project 365 - July 23, 2021 Part 2

Right Place, Right Time 

While waiting for Greg at about 6:25 am today,I actually caught one of the flying fish on camera! I was so excited so have been in the right place at the right time and had my camera ready too.

Just one of the satisfying moments. 

Project 365 - July 23, 2021

 Catching Up

Last week was a whirlwind of activity.  My daughter and son-in-law came down for a visit. I took the week off from work and my other daughter also took some time off from work.

The plan was to celebrate Adina's birthday and also the one-year anniversary of the loss of their father. We did that, but in addition, the girls had another plan in mind.  They had decided to get matching tattoos. 

While I am not thrilled about the prospect of injecting ink permanently into their skin, they are adults and they are in charge of their own bodies.  Their choice.

They had long discussions about what they wanted to get. Their final decision was to have Adina draw a garlic bulb in honor of their father because he was such a wonderful cook and taught both of them the love of cooking.  They also liked the idea of the healing and protective properties of garlic.

When they asked me if I wanted to come along for the ride, I said yes, but I wanted to take photos.  Adina made sure that it was okay with the tattoo artist. He was fine with it!

I really was impressed with the cleanliness of the place as well as all of the preparation prior to each tattoo. In addition, I was fascinated with the actual process of the needle and the ink and the way the artist took Adina's artwork and manipulated it on his iPad until the girls were satisfied with the final artwork. 

Even after he placed the stencil of the tattoo on their skin, both of my daughter/s guided the artist on which lines they wanted to have more emphasis.

So, here are my images.  An homage to the art of tattoo.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Project 365 - July 8, 2021

City Bird

After lunch at a Greek restaurant, I was walking back to my office and as I crossed the parking lot I found this Ibis. He (or she) was not afraid of me and continued searching this puddle for a morsel to eat. 

I am glad that I took a moment to stop and watch this creature. You never know when you will find a bit of nature and beauty. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Project 365 - July 7, 2021


As I was packing my things into my trunk this morning, I turned to look at the sky over John’s house and saw brilliant pink streaks. So I grabbed my phone (forgot my reading glasses) and headed for the lake. 

The site was stunningly beautiful. I know I made a noise when I saw the sky and I hoped no one heard me. 

Mornings like this when I am lucky to catch a brilliant sunrise gives me so much inspiration. I live for the moments and the little things in life that make me happy. Life is for living and enjoying. 

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Project 365 - June 30, 2021

Have To

As I pulled my car out of the garage on Wednesday morning (something that I have always wanted to be able to say as I have lived in this house for almost 31 years),I saw this unbelievable color in the sky. So I turned off my car and left everything for work in the car and ran to the lake behind my friends’ house. 

Not only was I able to capture this incredible sunrise that looks to me to be a watercolor painting, but I also surprised my friend as she was calmly doing her yoga on her patio to this lovely sunrise. 

Then, I ran back to my car, promptly forgot that I made this image and went to work. 

Now that I have a luxuriously long weekend to catch up on errands and blogging, I took another look at this image and was so satisfied that I really didn’t edit it at all. 

Monday, June 14, 2021

Project 365 - June 14, 2021

It’s a New Dawn, It’s a New Day

First day back in the office full time. It’s a first of many types. First time getting up at 5 am. First time going to work and leaving the cats behind. First day driving to work and not being able to call Joel. 

But I made it through. It felt like the longest day ever. And now it is over. 

But I made time to make this image before I got into the car (and forgot to take my lunch!  But I came back for it.).