Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Project 365 - April 16, 2008

I guess I am cheating here. I didn't snap one image today. Instead, I was receiving photos from Adina from her cell phone to my cell phone, all while I was on a conference call with the State Division of Cultural Affairs listening to the gloom and doom of our state legislators' budget cuts. These photos cheered us up in the meeting!

1 comment:

Sue Pea said...

Adina will have so much fun in DC! I have vague memories of a trip to DC with my junior high class. I was pissed because I couldn't share a room with Laura and ended up with Beatrice Browser instead! And I think the weather was colder, greyer and wetter then.

We had so much fun in Washington back in February when we went. Even back then things were starting to bloom and get warmer.

Today it's going to be near 80 degrees here in CT -- I'm sure it's warmer in DC and Adina's feeling quite comfy.

Oh, and by the way, Clare is headed out on her first trip away from home in May when her class spends a week on a farm in New Hampshire. How exciting will that be?