Hangin’ Around
I know that these guys are not native to South Florida, but they sure are fun to look at and photograph. Iguanas, also known as tree chickens in some parts of the Caribbean, are fascinating to me because of the metamorphosis they go through from their youth to maturity. They start out in bright greens and then move to browns and oranges as they age.
I saw this guy in the City of Sunrise as I was walking back to my car after dropping off a present for my aunt. I heard this crackling noise and as I turned to look, I realized that it was this iguana shimmying up a tree.
I took a lot of images. But, this one I liked because he let me walk fairly close to him and zoom in on him while he stared at me and didn’t move.
In the next few days, the weather people on TV will be telling us to look out for falling iguanas! The cold front that is swooping down here will bring some of the coldest temperatures in a decade. Supposedly, Saturday morning will be in the low 30s. This will be a nice change and we can pull out our layers of sweaters and scarfs! But these poor cold-blooded creatures will be hibernating and/or falling out of trees and off of roofs. However, when the weather warms up, they will bounce back and start to eat all of our beautiful flowers once again.