Sunday, November 7, 2010

Project 365 - October 1 (Still Catching Up)

Another weekday night, more meetings to attend, before I fell into bed and put away my campaign materials and my camera, I saw this shot and had to take it.  Adina was scratching Newton's head while he sat on her stomach.  The two of them looked so peaceful when I took this.  Of course, immediately afterwards Newton wanted to play and dove under the covers!  So I am glad that I caught this shot!

The second shot of Grace sitting on the edge of my sink is the typical scene that I find when I flip on the light to go in there.  Grace will sit there in the dark waiting for me to come in and turn on the bathroom sink, just a tiny stream of water, so that she can drink the water.  She thinks she is a lion drinking out of a pond in the middle of the desert! Or that is the story I make up in my head!  I just think it is funny that she sits there waiting for me.  And she will do this several times a day.  When I come in sometimes I forget that she might be there and it always makes me laugh.

I really love the way her eyes look in this shot.  Grace has hauntingly beautiful eyes.  Sometimes I can't catch the color, but I think I did okay in this shot.  Even when Grace was a kitten her eyes were sort of scary looking. 

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