Last DayOur last day in Indiana. We had a few last things to take care of with Rachel on campus, but mostly we were cleaning up after ourselves in the house where we were staying, doing some laundry, packing and then we took Rachel out to dinner. It was a strange day because we knew we were leaving her the next day and we didn't want to hover over her and make it any more difficult. This was the day that all of the students were moving into the dorms so Rachel was able to meet everyone as they moved in.

I was up at 6:30 a.m. again. The temperatures had dropped overnight to about 55 degrees. I went out in my pajamas and a sweatshirt to snap these really cool shots of the mist over the lake. I have tons of these, but this is my favorite.

I made sure that I had my coffee on the porch so that I could try, again and again, to snap a decent photo of the hummingbirds that came to feed on a daily basis. They are so quick and every time I would lift my camera to my eye they would take off. But finally, finally, finally my patience and persistence paid off and I was able to get a few good shots. Even though I had to shoot through the screen, I liked these because it gave the photos a canvas-like quality.

Mid-day we stopped at White Castle so that Joel could FINALLY get his hamburger that he was craving. He and Adina went out to the dock to eat. I loved this shot of father and daughter eating.

Adina asked me to take this photo. She saw this construction site and loved the rough quality of it so we stopped and she posed for me.

This photo was taken outside of Kleptz Restaurant in Brazil or if you want to get really technical, in Seelyville which is straight out on Wabash Avenue which turns into US 40 and then about 20 miles. It is a little place that has good homecooked food.