During the day I took the girls to an art exhibit near our house of Ansel Adams photography. Love his work . . . black and white is so timeless. I remember my high school advisor, Mr. Smith, had a calendar on his wall of Ansel Adams work and I asked him about it.

The first photo is at the Sunrise Civic Center after we went through the exhibit and it had just stopped raining. I liked the composition and the grayness of the day in contrast to the colors of the aqua railing.

In the evening we headed down to Hialeah to a Christmas Party complete with a turkey, ham and roast pork, egg nog and a beautiful tree with many tiny children running around in their excitement.

These chairs were so colorful and arty looking. I sat in them most of the evening and they were actually quite comfy. But I had to take a photo of them.

I have been shooting in RAW so that I could further play with the exposures and colors. This photo was almost completely dark and I was able to salvage it in Photoshop.

And here is my bedroom . . . I was in the midst of wrapping the last of the presents.
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