Playing with a Lens
Every once in a while, I borrow a lens to see what it is like and how it is different from the ones I own. This lens is a 50 mm Nikkor lens. It is a manual focus, which provides a challenge, but that is okay. I like a challenge.
So naturally, I use whatever subjects are available to me. Today, it was Newton! Or Noot as my daughter now likes to call him!!
Noot is a great subject since all he does all day is eat and sleep! He was lazily napping on our dining room table. Lots of natural lighting for me to play with. This was taken on manual everything at 400 ISO and 2.8 aperture. I love the amount of detail in the fur and the whiskers.
Then I decided to step outside and see what my flowers would look like with this lens.
I love the shallow depth of field. I think I moved the aperture to 2.0 here. I sat on the ground and focused by moving my body closer or further away to get just the one flower in focus. The colors are a bit weird on the leaves. Not sure why they look purple.
Then I took the last photo of this new marigold that just started to grow at the base of my avocado plant. Supposedly the marigolds keep spiders away. So far, no, but I keep trying!!
So a short lesson on photography today. Best to just pick up the camera and use it! It has been a long time.