Thursday, April 10, 2008

Project 365 - Photo of the Day - April 10, 2008

I wasn't feeling very motivated today. I guess the shock hasn't worn off yet about being the Acting Assistant Director of the Broward Cultural Division. I feel like everything that I do is an effort because I guess I am worried about doing a good job at this. But, I know that this too shall pass and I will feel more at ease. I guess I will feel more at ease once my Director announces it officially to the Division and to the County.

However, it was a busy day, I never came up for air, except for lunch and I had a lovely chat with my friend and co-worker about photography. Thanks Steve! Then after work Joel and I had to run over to Nova Middle School for a meeting with one of Adina's teachers so that we can hear all about their trip to Washington, DC. They are leaving on Monday and will be up there for four days. My baby is going away and this is traumatic to me. But it is a wonderful opportunity for her and I wouldn't let my fears stand in her way of exploring the world and history and just getting out from under her parents and sister for a few days. She will have a great time. So this first image was snapped on I-595 as we were headed west to the school. I loved the way the sweeping lines of the concrete stand so strong against the deep blue of the sub-tropical sky.

This is my favorite shot of the week so far because it shows a very quiet and intimate moment between father and daughter. Rachel and I were in the kitchen laughing really hard at Robin Williams on American Idol. I had just walked up the steps and this was the scene that I found. Adina and Joel reading the newspaper and discussing their day! I love these moments. Of course Adina said, "oh no, there goes Mommy again with her camera." But they didn't stop me!!

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